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Interview with comrades from FLA about the current situation in Argentine

We did an interview with four members from the anarchist federation of Argentine (FLA) about the organization they are part of and the current situation in the territory they are living in.

Parts of the interview were translated by one comrade of them cause not everybody felt able to express themselves in English.

We feel the need to have a trigger warning at this point as the interview contains the description of  explicit violence and femicide (- hope you feel able to listen to the interesting interview at some point anyway)

You can listen to it directly here:

Or download it from


Interview Compass Collective (deutsch)

Wir haben ein Interview mit Katja vom Compass-Collective geführt – wir sprachen über die Organisation, deren Teil Sie ist und den Kampf gegen die „Festung Europa“, den Sie auf dem Mittelmeer führen.

Ihr könnt das interview hier hören:

Oder es bei herunterladen:

Interview Compass Collective

Interview with Katja from compass-collective about their organization and the fight against „Fortress Europe“ in the Mediterranean Sea.

You can listen to it directly here:

Or download it from



+ Sunday, 31st of March 2024; 13:00 – 16: 30  (Central European Time)

You can find the whole program and the live stream at radiostudent

Radio Show Bad News for Tilia from the 02.03.2024

Radio Show Bad News for Tila on Radio Blau

This episode contains the following topics:
interview with Rote Hilfe Leipzig about fields of action, prosecution of antifascists in Europe and current cases of support, talk with a colombian comrade about the experience of Colectiva Libertaria Severas Flores and the power of anarcha-queer radicalization and a short report about the Ukraine Solidarity Demo in Berlin from 24th February.

Plus some short news and announcements like always…

You can listen to the show directly here:

Or download it from

Interview and recording of a talk with an comrade from the anarcha queer collective „severas flores“ based in Bogota ( Colombia)

Interview with a comrade from the anarcha queer collective named „severas flores“

based in Bogota ( Colombia ). We talked about their perspectives on what is going on in columbian society and the work they do.

You can listen to the interview directly here:

Or download it from

You can listen to a version of the interview with music in the background here:

Or download it from

Recording of the event with a comrade from the anarcha queer collective „severas flores“ that took place at the 23.02.24 in the space called „adi“ in Leipzig (West).
The talk was announced as followed:

The Experience of Colectiva Libertaria Severas Flores (Bogota, Kolumbien) and the power of anarcha-queer radicalization.

What does Latin American organized queer anarchism look like? In this event we will discuss the experience of Bakatá (COL) based organization Colectica Libertaria Severas Flowers.

The main points of the discussion will be the process of radicalization, the relevance of KUIR-theory and the uses of popular education in organized anarchism.

You can listen to the recording here:

Or download it from


Collage from the Demo in Solidarity with the People in Ukraine

Collage from the anarchist bloc at the demo in Berlin organized on the anniversary of the war in the Ukraine. You hear several voices and sounds from the Demo that took place on the 24.02.2024.
You can listen to it directly here:

Interview with a comrade from „Rote Hilfe – Leipzig“

In this interview done with a comrade from the „Rote Hilfe – Leipzig“ you will listen about: fields of action, prosecution of antifascists in Europe and current cases of support.

You can listen to the interview directly here:

Or download it from

More info’s from/ about „Rote Hilfe Leipzig you can find here:

Interview with a comrade from „Seebrücke“ about the CEAS

In our Interview with Electra Ehrenberg from Seebrücke Leipzig we look on the current politic movement beside european wide and german shelter politics. Electra offers perspectives on the work of Seebrücke and her own activistic doing and shows up ways to get active by your own in questions of increasing social xenophobia. Parts of the interview are about the so called “ Common European Asylum System (CEAS)

You can listen to the interview here:

Or download it from

You can find more info’s about the topic here:…


Interview about the current protest of farmers in Germoney

Interview with a comrade working in agriculture about the current protest of farmer’s and especially the demo in Leipzig at the 12.01.2024

You can listen to the full version of the interview here:

Or download it directly from

You can listen to a shorter version of the interview here:

Or download it directly from