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Monthly Archives: Juli 2020

entrevista – cicletada masiva – Solidaridad con la revuelta en $hile y la revolución en Rojava

Hicimos una entrevista con unxs participantes de una cicletada masiva en solidaridad con la revuelta en $hile y la revulución en rojava. hablamos sobre que pasaba durante la cicletada y que pensaron ellxs sobre la cicletada y la conexion de estos dos temas. se puede escuchar aqui : o descargar el audio directamente en

Solidarity with the revolt in $hile and the revolution in Rojava june 2020 – Leipzig (Germoney)

At the 20.06.2020 there was a concert in solidarity with the revolt in $hile organized in a public park in Leipzig (Germoney) the audio file is a little report from it with some sounds from the concert. you can listen to it here: or download it directly from At the 26.06.2020 a critical mass […]


Interview with Lisa from solikomitee-1007 about the street festival „resist-2„(9.07.2020 and 10.07.2020) which was founded cause of the attempt to block a deportation in the east of Leipzig (Germoney) back in 2019 – the repression linked to it which is still going on. The interview is about the festival, the resistance against the deportation in […]

Interview about the Trial against 2 People cause of the resistance against a deportation in the east of Leipzig (Germoney)

Interview with Tommy from the Solikomitee about the resistance against the deportation of a person in the east of Leipzig (Germoney) and the repression cause of the riot which took part cause of it. A big part is about the trial against 2 persons who where imprisoned and had a trial cause of it. The […]