Donnerstag, März 13, 2025
On the 24th of February 2025 we did a interview with a Dasko an antifascist and a radio moderator from Novi Sad. We talked about current uprising going on in Serbia starting from November 2024, its history and demands, about students and teachers who are the main drivers of this protests, why it should be […]
Mittwoch, Januar 15, 2025
On the 27th of December 2024 we did a interview with a comrade from Georgia about the current up risings, the political situation in general and queer & anarchist structures there. (Shortly after the interview there was a protest organized by local anarchists from the local „anlib“ in coordination with others – we add this […]
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On the 7th of December we did an interview with Phillip from the international commune based in Rojava about the current Situation in Syria, how the situation affects the ongoing revolutionary process and how peeps can support the comrades there. As the Situation is changing very fast some of the things we talked about are […]
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VOICES OF ANARCHISM – LIVE INTERNATIONAL ANARCHIST AND ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN RADIO BROADCAST + Sunday, 31st of March 2024; 13:00 – 16: 30 (Central European Time) You can find the whole program and the live stream at radiostudent
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Radio Show Bad News for Tila on Radio Blau This episode contains the following topics: interview with Rote Hilfe Leipzig about fields of action, prosecution of antifascists in Europe and current cases of support, talk with a colombian comrade about the experience of Colectiva Libertaria Severas Flores and the power of anarcha-queer radicalization and a […]
Dienstag, Februar 27, 2024
In our Interview with Electra Ehrenberg from Seebrücke Leipzig we look on the current politic movement beside european wide and german shelter politics. Electra offers perspectives on the work of Seebrücke and her own activistic doing and shows up ways to get active by your own in questions of increasing social xenophobia. Parts of the […]
Interview with a comrade working in agriculture about the current protest of farmer’s and especially the demo in Leipzig at the 12.01.2024 You can listen to the full version of the interview here: Or download it directly from You can listen to a shorter version of the interview here: Or download it directly from […]
Dienstag, Dezember 5, 2023
Bericht zum aktuell stattfindenden Arbeitskampf im Zusammenhang mit den Tarifverhandlungen im Öffentlichen Dienst. Mit einem Fokus auf die Beteiligung der Arbeiter*innen der Universtitätsklinikum Leipzig. Der Beitrag beinhaltet 2 Interviews und mehrere Mitschnitte von der Streikversammlung am 14.11.23 und der Demo am 24.11.23. Ihr Könnt das Streik-Spezial direkt anhören: Oder es runterladen bei
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Freitag, November 10, 2023
A comrade did an update interview about the ongoing labor struggle at „Gallo Negro“ restaurant located in the west of Leipzig (Germany). We recorded it as an audio file with our voices to avoid repression against the person giving the interview. You can find a interview about the struggle we did before on our blog. […]
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Mittwoch, August 23, 2023
Interview done with 2 black cats from anarcha queer squat „mačjak“ in Ljubljana (Slovenia) You can find more infos about mačjak and a contact to the black cat collective here: contact to the black cats collective: You can listen to the interview here: Or download it from
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