Montag, November 15, 2021
Bad News for Tilia issue november 2021. with the following topics : -interview about the current situation at the polish/ belarusian border -update about the anarchist prisoner Mikola Dedok (Belarus) -letter from the refugees camp Mockau (Leipzig) where have took place several struggles against the conditions there in the last weeks. -interviews about the struggles […]
Sonntag, November 14, 2021
At the 11.11.2021 we did a interview with an comrade about the current situation at the polish/ belarusian border. He was there and reports about his personal impressions… You can listen to it directly here: or download it directly from
Sonntag, November 14, 2021
At the 7th of November 2021 we went to a rally in solidarity with the workers of Dominos Pizza (Leipzig) organized by the FAU ( Anarchosydicalist Union). There we had the opportunity to talk with a worker organized in the FAU about the reasons of their since June 2021 ongoing struggle and their perspective on […]
Sonntag, November 14, 2021
On November 7th at a rally in solidarity with the workers from Dominos Pizza we had the opportunity to talk with a worker from gorillas worker collective (Berlin) about the reasons for their current wildcat strike and the last developments of the ongoing struggle. You can listen to it directly here: or download it from […]
We did a Interview with Vanessa from Colombia about the current revolt there. During the interview we talked about the reasons for the current situation, how the protest looks like, about perspectives and many other topics. In the end of the interview we had a exchange about how people in Leipzig support the revolt from […]
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We are glad that we had the opportunity to make an interview with a comrade from food not bombs based in myanmar. we talked with him about their organization and the current situation after the military coup. you can listen to it directly here: Or download it from you can find more infos about […]
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Dienstag, Februar 9, 2021
Wir haben ein Interview mit 2 Menschen aus der Soli-Gruppe geführt. Das Gespräch dreht sich um den den Prozess, die Arbeit der Soligruppe, Solidarität und darum wie es weitergeht. Ihr findet weitere Infos hier: Text den die 3 kurz nach dem Urteil veröffentlicht haben (wird im interview erwähnt): Infos/Berichte vom Prozess: Soli-Blog für […]
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Samstag, November 14, 2020
report on the demo in solidarity with the revolt in $hile which was organized at the 18.10.2020 the anniversary of the revolt in Leipzig (Germoney). you can listen to it here: or download it directly from You can find a documentary about the revolt in chile from the „Chile in Flammen“ collective here:
Samstag, November 14, 2020
Report about the demo in solidarity with the accused anarchists at the 4th of November with a short compliance about the sentences at the 5th. or you can download it directly from You can find more info’s about the case here:
Samstag, November 14, 2020
Interview with Queer Cempaka Collective from Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) about their work and the situation over there… you can listen to it here: or download it directly from If you are interested in the transcript you can write to (the e-mail of cempaka collective) they will send it to you…