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Category Archives: Interviews

Interview LUWI71-Trial

We made an interview with the accused in the so called „Luwi71-Trial“. The Luwi71 is a house (in the east of Leipzig) occupied for about 2 weeks back in august 2020. Some weeks ago the 2 comrades accused cause of the occupation had their trial. We took the opportunity to talk with them about the […]

No 41bis & hungerstrike Alfredo Cospito

Since the 20th of October the anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito started a hungerstrike against the 41bis regime he has to face in Italian prison. We had the opportunity to talk with comrades involved in the ongoing campaign against 41bis and in support of the prisoners affected by it. You can listen to it directly here: […]

Interview „Feral Crust“ anarchist collective (Philippines)

We did a interview with anarchist collective „feral crust“ based in Manila/ Davao (Philippines) About their work/ projects, anarchism on the Philippines and the current Situation there. you can listen to the full interview here: or download it directly from You can listen to a little shorter version of the interview here: or you […]

Interview with a comrade about the current situation of refugees at the polish/ belarusian border

At the 11.11.2021 we did a interview with an comrade about the current situation at the polish/ belarusian border. He was there and reports about his personal impressions… You can listen to it directly here: or download it directly from

Interview Worker Dominos Pizza (Leipzig)

At the 7th of November 2021 we went to a rally in solidarity with the workers of Dominos Pizza (Leipzig) organized by the FAU ( Anarchosydicalist Union). There we had the opportunity to talk with a worker organized in the FAU about the reasons of their since June 2021 ongoing struggle and their perspective on […]

Interview Gorilla Workers Collective (Berlin)

On November 7th at a rally in solidarity with the workers from Dominos Pizza we had the opportunity to talk with a worker from gorillas worker collective (Berlin) about the reasons for their current wildcat strike and the last developments of the ongoing struggle. You can listen to it directly here: or download it from […]

Interview about the hungerstrike of Dimitris Koufontinas (Revolutionary from Greece)

Interview with 2 comrades from radio 1431 AM (Thesaloniki – Greece) about the hungerstrike of Dimitris Koufontinas. He started the hungerstrike at the 8th of January what means Dimitris is already in a really urgent situation. We talked about his current medical situation, the causes for the hungerstrike, his personal background and solidarity actions. You […]

Interview about the park bench 3 – case (Hamburg)

We did a interview with 2 persons from the support-group of the so called park bench 3 case in Hamburg. we talked with them about the case, their work, solidarity and how the case will go on. you can find the text (in german language) published by the 3 accused what is mentioned during the […]

interview about the appeal in the hildegartstraßen-case (Leipzig)

We did another interview with Tommy from Solikomitee about the ongoing appeal in the hildegartstraße – case in Leipzig (germoney). we talked a little bit about the background (blockade of a deportation in the east of Leipzig) of the trial and the 1st day in court during the appeal. you can listen to the interview […]