In our Interview with Electra Ehrenberg from Seebrücke Leipzig we look on the current politic movement beside european wide and german shelter politics. Electra offers perspectives on the work of Seebrücke and her own activistic doing and shows up ways to get active by your own in questions of increasing social xenophobia. Parts of the interview are about the so called “ Common European Asylum System (CEAS)
In this episode of „Bad News for Tilia“ you will hear about the following topic’s :
Interview about the case against antifascists in Budapest
Interview with Seebrücke about „Common European Asylum System“ (CEAS)
Interview with a comrade about the current protest of farmers and especially the protest organized by agriculture cooperatives at the 12th of January in Leipzig.
and like always some short news, announcements, music…
…this episode broadcasted on the 6th of January at community radio – Radio Blau contains the following topics:
Interview about the case of Ruslan Siddiqui – anarchist imprisoned cause of sabotage against the war in Russia.
Interview about the up coming trial in Hamburg linked to the Protest against the G20 (Done by the comrades of A-Rradio-Berlin
Report about the “anti-takeover law” or “usurpation law” – that criminalizes territorial claims of the Mapuche in so called chile (Done by the comrades from Flora Radio based in Valparaiso)
plus some short news and announcements like always…
Welcome to the 74th episode of Bad News – Angry voices from around the world, a monthly radio show produced by the Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Radio Network.
In this episode, we will hear contributions from:
A-Radio Berlin- News about the current post G20 trials (Hamburg 2017).
Kilavo Seme- Interview on Quilombos and struggles in Brazil. For more information you can check:
Flora Radio, Valparaiso- An update about the „anti-takeover law“ or „usurpation law“. That criminalizes territorial claims of the Mapuche, the massive land takeovers and self-construction of thousands who are homeless.
We did a interview with Anja from solidarity zone about their work and particularly the case of Ruslan Siddiqui – accused and imprisoned in Russia cause of the derailment of an train that was supposed to transport materials used for the war against the Ukraine.
You can find more infos about the case and how to support Ruslan or get in contact with the comrades from solidarity zone here:
Bericht zum aktuell stattfindenden Arbeitskampf im Zusammenhang mit den Tarifverhandlungen im Öffentlichen Dienst. Mit einem Fokus auf die Beteiligung der Arbeiter*innen der Universtitätsklinikum Leipzig. Der Beitrag beinhaltet 2 Interviews und mehrere Mitschnitte von der Streikversammlung am 14.11.23 und der Demo am 24.11.23.
Issue August 2023 of Bad News For Tilia.
In this episode you can listen to an interview done with 2 black cats from anarcha queer squat „mačjak“ in Ljubljana (Slovenia), an Interview done by the comrades from A Radio Berlin about the No Border Camp in the Netherlands and a input about the role of radios in the antiauthoritarian movement in Europe and Latin America.
You can find more infos about mačjak and a contact to the black cat collective here: